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How much sun does zoysia turf need?

How Much Sun Does Zoysia Grass Need?

How much sun does Zoysia grass need? Zoysia grass is a popular choice for lawns due to its low maintenance and tolerance for drought and heat.

However, to ensure that your Zoysia grass thrives, it is essential to provide it with the right amount of sunlight. In this blog post, we will discuss how much sun Zoysia grass needs and what factors can affect its growth.

An informative publication was published by Texas A&M University titled, “Zoysiagrass,” which lists tips for maintaining Zoysia turfgrass.

Zoysia Grass Sun Requirements

Zoysia grass requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to grow and remain healthy. This means that if your lawn is shaded for more than 50% of the day, Zoysia grass may not be the best choice for you. Zoysia grass can tolerate some shade, but it will not grow as vigorously as it would in full sun.

Get some fresh, weed-free Zoysia sod installed today.

Factors Affecting Zoysia Grass Growth

How much sun does Zoysia need?
Zoysia grass requires 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.

While Zoysia grass can tolerate some shade, other factors also affect its growth. Soil quality, temperature, and moisture are all essential factors that affect Zoysia grass’s ability to thrive.

Zoysia grass prefers well-drained soil that is slightly acidic with a pH of 6.0 to 7.0. If the soil is too compact or too alkaline, Zoysia grass will struggle to establish itself.

Nothing looks better next to a blanket of green, robust grass than beautifully designed landscape beds.

Temperature is also an important factor in Zoysia grass growth. Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass and requires warm temperatures between 80°F and 95°F to grow optimally.

If the temperature drops below 60°F, Zoysia grass may go dormant and turn brown. However, once the temperature rises again, it will green up again.

Moisture is another essential factor in Zoysia grass growth. Zoysia grass requires moderate watering, and the soil should be kept moist, but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to fungal diseases, while underwatering causes the grass to go dormant. Check out this fact sheet about Zoysia grass.


zoysia turf needs 6 hours of daily sunlight
Healthy, green lawn.


In conclusion, Zoysia grass requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to grow and remain healthy. While it can tolerate some shade, it will not grow as vigorously as it would in full sun. Providing your lawn with the proper lawn fertilization and weed control products plays a big factor in having a healthy, vibrant lawn. 

Soil quality, temperature, and moisture are also essential factors that can affect Zoysia grass growth. By providing your Zoysia grass with the right amount of sunlight and other essential factors, you can ensure that it grows healthy and lush, providing you with a beautiful lawn for years to come.


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